How to connect STRATAFOLIO to QuickBooks Online

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Learn how to connect STRATAFOLIO’s two-way integration with QuickBooks Online in a few simple steps. Manage your commercial real estate and finances with ease.

Follow The Steps Below to Automate

  1. Log back into STRATAFOLIO.
  2. To access your Organization’s detail view, expand the Hierarchy menu, click on the Organizations link, and click on the Organization Name. Then, click on the Integrations tab and click on the Add An Integration button.
  1. Select the QuickBooks Online integration option.
  1. Select the Company File Entity from the dropdown, and click on the Proceed to Setup button.
  1. If you are not logged into QuickBooks Online, log in now. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
  1. Under the Setup tab, click the Connect to QuickBooks button.
  1. If you own multiple companies, select the correct one. If you have only one company, proceed to the next step.
  1. If you agree to STRATAFOLIO’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, click on the Connect button.
  1. Once you see the Connected to QuickBooks Online message, congratulations, you have successfully completed the connection.

If you have any issues connecting your account, please contact our customer support, or email us at [email protected].


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Before You Go!

 Speak to an expert to find out how you can increase efficiency and profitability.