Operating Expenses Tab – Actuals View for CAM Reconciliations

Last modified: January 22, 2025
Estimated reading time: 2 min

Actuals Overview in the OpExp Tab

This is where STRATAFOLIO has calculated the invoiced amounts vs. actual expenses flowing in at the pro-rata share on a cash basis from the QuickBooks account. You can produce the CAM Reconciliation Reports from this view in STRATAFOLIO. In the OpExp tab in the lease, select the Actual View.

Selecting the Time Period

The default period shown will be the most recent period. You will need to choose the time period for the report to be produced. These are set based on the time period created on the Invoice View. The amounts calculated here are based on that time period. For more information about the Invoice View, see the Knowledge Base article Operating Expenses Tab – Invoice View.

It is best practice and an industry standard to conduct CAM reconciliations once per calendar year; this is typically how STRATAFOLIO sets them up. If there are any questions about the calculations, the “i” next to the name will give more information. 

CAM actual expenses

Each green + expands the category to see all the subcategories that make up that main category. The specific monthly amounts are shown with the tab expanded.

NOTE: The amounts are shown with the lease’s pro-rata share taken into account.

In the example below, all of these expenses are 33.33% of the total expenses for the building. STRATAFOLIO already takes that into account when showing the table below.

Invoice view dates

Using the dropdown in the middle of the page, you can view the different date ranges entered in the Invoice View. If you need a different date range, update it on the Invoice View first. The selected date range may also change the amount you should have invoiced and collected.

NOTE: Be careful when updating or changing the date ranges or the amounts on the Invoice View as they will affect invoices created or the CAM Reconciliations.

Blue reconcile button

CAM Reconciliation Report

The Reconcile button exports the information to an Excel Spreadsheet. This export is called the CAM Reconciliation Report for STRATAFOLIO. The owner or property manager can give this report to the tenants to true-up their NNN or operating expenses for the year.

Operating Expenses
Operating Expense Reconciliation

This report has two tabs.

  • The first tab provides the overall summary of the reconciliation activity. This is a summation of the following:
    • The amounts posted and mapped to the subcategories for the selected date range
    • The pro-rata share of the subcategories
    • The amount that is owed to the tenant or the landlord for a true-up of the lease

NOTE: The amount shown under Invoiced Amount must be verified with the amount actually collected by the tenant in case they paid more or less than the invoiced amount for CAM over this period of time.

CAM Subcategory breakdown
  • The second page of the CAM Reconciliation Report shows the monthly breakdown per subcategory of expenses. STRATAFOLIO has already taken into account the pro-rata share of the expenses and has already calculated them for you.
Operational expense breakdown example

NOTE: Pages one and two on the STRATAFOLIO CAM Reconciliation Report do not link together on the Excel. If something needs to be changed on one page, the other page will need to be updated as well.

You must input these subcategories in the Invoicing portion to make them appear on the Actuals tab. If you don’t add a set amount added to the monthly invoices for a specific income item, enter $0 for the amount.

Any income items with a $0 amount will disappear from the invoice during creation. However, you need to include these items to ensure they appear on the CAM Reconciliation Report in STRATAFOLIO. This allows you to pull all of the expenses spent for a building without adding additional income items on the invoices for the tenants.

Cash Basis

STRATAFOLIO displays all dollar amounts on a Cash Basis of Accounting. The reconciliations show the amounts in the month they were paid in the QuickBooks account. This may be different from what you are using for your tax reporting.

If the CAM Reconciliation Report is being compared to the amounts in your QuickBooks, select the Cash Basis before running any of the reports out of QuickBooks. 

Cash basis of accounting

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