STRATAFOLIO can enter caps on the CAM Reconciliation Report by an amount or by percentage. For more information on caps, check out this article on understanding the different types of CAM caps. The Caps can be added for a percentage over a previous year, by a set amount, or a percentage over a given value. On the Invoice section in the OpExp tab, a cap can be added in the edit screen on the Subcategory:
Adding a cap creates an additional column and calculation in STRATAFOLIO’s CAM Reconciliation Report. If the Building Actual Expenses column multiplied by the Tenant Share of Building (or Pro-Rata Share) is greater than the Not to Exceed per Period column, the Not to Exceed per Period amount (or cap) will populate the Tenant Total Portion column.
Caps are calculated and transferred to the next year when the cloning feature is used.
For any other special circumstances around CAM and Operating Expenses, feel free to check out other Knowledge Base articles. STRATAFOLIO’s Onboarding and Support Team is also available if you have any out-of-the-box scenarios.