Mapping CAM Function

Last modified: June 26, 2024
Estimated reading time: 2 min

General Ledger Account Mapping in STRATAFOLIO

Here is the magic behind STRATAFOLIO’s CAM Reconciliation Reports. 

General Ledger Accounts/Chart of Accounts (COA)

A CAM subcategory in STRATAFOLIO gets linked to a General Ledger (GL) account from the QuickBooks account. STRATAFOLIO highly recommends utilizing Reimbursable and Non-Reimbursable GL accounts. This clearly delineates between expenses that should be included in CAM reconciliations or not in the QuickBooks accounts. This leads to less confusion and inaccuracies in reporting. 

All subcategories must have a GL account from which they get the transaction amounts. Any GL account linked to a CAM subcategory will bring in all transactions within that account on a cash basis, so it’s vital that only reimbursable expenses be posted to that account. 

Reimbursable expenses posted to account

Multiple GL accounts can be added to the same subcategory. In the example above, the Repairs & Maintenance subcategory has multiple GL accounts linked to it. Parking Lot Repairs, HVAC Repairs, and Plumbing Repairs are just a few of them. This allows the QuickBooks account to keep more detailed records for each of the GL accounts but only show it as Repairs & Maintenance to the tenant on the CAM Reconciliation Report.

How to Map a New Account in STRATAFOLIO That Was Created in QuickBooks

Using Classes

Classes allow a QuickBooks user to delineate expenses to specific areas of an entity. For CRE, we suggest using Classes when additional assets have the same ownership. This allows for multiple assets in one QuickBooks account while keeping the Income and Expenses separate.

In STRATAFOLIO, the Class can be linked to an Entity, Asset, Building, or Unit. When creating a CAM Reconciliation, if an expense is posted to a Reimbursable GL account and classed to an Asset (which is properly linked) that has multiple buildings in it, STRATAFOLIO will be able to post that expense properly. It gets allocated based on the pro-rata share of the Unit’s square footage of the Building’s RSF in the Reconciliation Report. 

STRATAFOLIO can also cover those particular unit expenses at 100% pro-rata when using classes in QuickBooks. The class is linked directly to a unit in STRATAFOLIO so that all of the expense is allocated to only one tenant. This comes in handy when there is an expense that is needed for only that one Unit/Tenant and not the rest of the building or tenants.

Mapping Classes in STRATAFOLIO

**If a class is left unmapped, STRATAFOLIO will apply expenses in a Reimbursable account with that class across the portfolio. Please map all classes that are not attached to an asset to Ignored. Admin classes can be left unmapped because they are not supposed to be used with Reimbursable accounts. **

Per Unit Expenses

STRATAFOLIO can apply 100% of a reimbursable expense to a tenant’s CAM Reconciliation report. 

If you use classes, map the account directly to the unit it applies. See Mapping Classes in STRATAFOLIO

If you use accounts/subaccounts for this, check subaccount mapping in How to Map a New Account in STRATAFOLIO That Was Created in QuickBooks

Cash Basis

STRATAFOLIO displays all dollar amounts on a Cash Basis of Accounting. This means that the amounts that are shown on the reconciliations are shown in the month that they were actually paid. This may be different from what you are using for your tax reporting. If the CAM Reconciliation Report or Owner’s Dashboard is being compared to the amounts in QuickBooks, make sure to select the Cash Basis before running any of the reports out of QuickBooks. 

Cash basis of accounting
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